General Information
















We really value the importance of consistent and regular attendance and have high expectations for our students in this area. We understand that adolescence is a challenging stage and that there are times when teenagers seek independence and think they know best. No matter how hard parents try, some students experience times when they can be reluctant or refuse to go to school. We know that attendance patterns are established very early in the year and that is why we have a strong emphasis on working with you to address any attendance concerns at the start of the year.    

When students attend school on a regular basis:

  • They are more successful with their learning
  • They have happier and healthier friendships
  • Their outlook on life is happier and more positive.

We know that:

  • High achievement is linked to high attendance
  • Essentially, being at school leads to succeeding at school.

What You Can Do

  • Talk about the importance of showing up to school every day, make that the expectation. Regular attendance sets up good behaviours for regular attendance at work.
  • Help your teenager maintain daily routines such as finishing homework and getting a good night’s sleep. On average, teenagers need 8-9 hours’ sleep to be healthy and alert. You may also need to monitor their use of the internet, mobile phone and TV at night to ensure they are not staying up too late or being disturbed while sleeping.
  • Try not to schedule hair, dental or medical appointments during school hours.
  • Schedule family trips for school holidays, rather than during term time.
  • Don’t let your teenager stay home unless genuinely sick. Complaints of headaches or stomach aches may be signs of anxiety. Please feel free to contact your child’s Home Group Teacher or Grade Leader if you are concerned that this may be the case.
  • Monitor your teenager’s attendance and school performance. A regular check in by phone or email is a good idea. If you have concerns about your child’s attendance, please contact us through the Home Group Teacher, Grade Leader, Assistant Principal, the Social Worker or the Principal.

Recording Student Attendance

Explained – Sickness / Incapacity. When students are unwell it is important to keep them at home where they can recover. If this is the case please phone the school as soon as reasonably practicable, on or after the day, but no later than 5 days after illness, and they will be marked as Explained - Sickness / Incapacity.  In the case of absences beyond 5 days a medical certificate may be requested.

Unauthorised – Not an Excusable Circumstance.  School and your child’s education are extremely important and as such having time at home for “down time”  or an extended holiday during the school term or a day off for a birthday is not seen as a reasonable explanation as to why your child is away and will be marked as Unauthorised – Not an Excusable Circumstance.  Home Group Teachers will also make contact with families if your child/children are regularly late for school.

Unauthorised - Unexplained by Parent/Carer.  If your child is away from school and the school has not received a phone call, SMS, email, message via the Schoolzine App or a letter to explain the absence, your child must be marked as Unauthorised - Unexplained by Parent/Carer and an SMS will be sent to parents prior to 10:00am each day your child is absent.

Explained – Other  If your child is away from school and an explanation has been given that meets the criteria set out on the next 2 pages, then the child will be marked – Explained – Other.

Attendance & Messaging System

Key features of the our messaging system:

  • Unexplained attendance SMS alerts to parents
  • Online attendance alerts generated for students late to school and/or absent from class
  • Ability to respond and follow up unexplained attendance alerts
  • Increased levels of communication with parents
  • Ability to send information to multiple parent/carer contacts

Did you know that attending school every day has a big impact on how well your child goes at school.

Missing school for whatever reason has a negative impact on students’ learning.  Because of this, the new Education Act specifies the reasons a child can be authorised not to attend school.

It is important that you discuss why your child is absent from school with the School Principal or a staff member as soon as practicable.

Why is this change important?

The changes to being authorised not to attend school will help address absenteeism, which has been a longstanding issue in Tasmania. The changes to student absences:

  • Encourage regular school attendance to help your child to make steady progress with their learning and gain the skills and knowledge needed for success both now and later in life.
  • Help your child see themselves as a valuable and enthusiastic member of their classroom with high expectations of their own potential.
  • Help you to emphasise to your child the value and importance of their education.
  • Ensure there is a consistent statewide approach to authorised absences across all Tasmanian schools.

When can my child be authorised not to attend school?

Reasons your child can be authorised to be absent include:

  • Sickness/incapacity
  • Medical, legal or related appointments
  • Natural disaster or extreme weather preventing your child from safely attending their enrolled school
  • Terminal illness of an immediate family member
  • Bereavement of a person your child had a close, significant or family relationship with
  • Having witnessed or been subjected to family violence
  • Being a participant or official at a recognised National or International sporting, academic or cultural event
  • An application for home education being received by the Education Registrar and provisional registration being granted.

What will happen if my child is absent for a reason that isn’t listed?

  • The absence will be recorded as an unauthorised absence.
  • Principals receive notifications about the number of unauthorised absences your child has.
  • Your child’s school may send you a letter notifying you of the number of unauthorised absences your child has.
  • They will seek to work with you to increase your child’s attendance to maximise their learning if the Principal is concerned about your child’s attendance.

What happens if my family go on holiday during school term?

  • Schools have always encouraged family holidays to be planned for during the scheduled school holiday breaks.
  • If your family decides to take a holiday during a school term, you are encouraged to discuss your plans with the Principal or your child’s teacher.
  • Penalties will not apply if an absence is explained.

Where can I get more information?

  • If you want your child to attend school but need help with this, your child’s school would really like to talk to you about what help you need.

Please contact your child’s school for more information.

List of Authorised Reasons for Children to be Excused from School

  1. bereavement of a person with whom the school-aged child or youth has a close, significant or family relationship
  2. medical, legal or related appointments
  3. where the school-aged child or youth has witnessed or been subjected to family violence
  4. terminal illness of an immediate family member
  5. where a natural disaster or extreme weather event prevents:
    1. a school-aged child or youth from a non-government school safely attending their enrolled school
    2. a school-aged child or youth from a State school safely attending their enrolled school or nearest State school
  6. participation of a school age child or youth in a:
    1. recognised learning experience (e.g. a music examination);
    2. cultural activity (e.g. participation in religious activity);
    3. initiated by an independent student or parent, where the principal is of the opinion that the experience or activity has educational value to the school age child or youth;
  7. attendance at a recognised event (e.g. a State, National or International level event sanctioned and organised by the official governing body) as:
    1. a participant;
    2. an official of a team or other body, competing or participating in that event;
    3. an official otherwise engaged in that event;
  8. where an independent student or parent objects, as a matter of conscience, to his or her school-aged child or youth participating in a school activity specified in the Education Regulations 2017;
    1. the independent student or parent notifies the school's principal in writing at least two (2) days in advance of that school activity occurring;
    2. that activity will occur for at least one (1) full school day;
    3. separate supervision of the school-aged child or youth is not possible;
  9. where an application for home education has been received by the Registrar and provisional registration has been granted;
  10. where the parent or independent student notifies the principal of an absence due to sickness, temporary or physical incapacity later than five (5) days from the date of the absence.

Attendance and Student Behaviour Management – Release of Updated Policies


Term dates for students in 2024 are:

Term 1

Monday, 05 February

to Friday, 12 April  (Staff)


Thursdsay, 08 February

to Friday, 12 April  (All Grades)


Term 2

Monday, 29 April

to Friday, 05 July




Term 3

Monday, 22 July

to Friday, 27 September 




Term 4

Monday, 14 October

to Thursday 19 December 








(Professional Learning Days – Student Free Days):

Friday 07 June 2024 (Moderation)
Friday 1 November 2024


Home Group

8:45 am


9:00 am

Block 1

9:00 am


10:15 am


10:15 am


10:35 am

Block 2

10.35 am

11.50 am


11.50  am


11.55 am

Block 3

11:55 am


1:10 pm


1:10 pm


1:55 pm

Block 4

1:55 pm


3:10 pm


1          Stationery

            Stationery packs will be given out to students on their first day in Term 1

2          Late Arrivals or Early Departures

            For attendance register regulations students are required to sign a book kept at the Admin Office if they arrive late or have to leave school early for any reason.

            In either case, a note, phone call, SMS, email, message via the Schoolzine App from a parent/carer is required, and a Leave Pass (obtainable at Admin Office) must be filled in and signed by an Assistant Principal.

            If LATE, students must sign the late book. If the student has a signed note from a parent/carer then our Admin staff can authorise it.

            When LEAVING our school for an appointment students must have a green leave form which has been signed by an Assistant Principal or Principal.  The Leave Pass is usually completed before school and must be left with a member of our Admin Team at the time of leaving.  The Leave Book should also be signed at the time of departure.   Students who sign out for appointments should sign back in on their return, also in the Leave Book at the Admin Office.

            When leaving our school due to illness students must have a blue leave form which has been signed by our First Aid Officer and the Leave Book must be filled out.

3          Storage of Valuable items.

Large sums of money or valuable items of personal property will be cared for in the Admin Office.

4          Uniform Shop Sales

During school terms our Uniform Shop is open on Tuesday and Thursday mornings - 8.15 am - 11.00 am 


outdoor area     outdoor area alternate angle


Effective communication between our school and the student’s parent/carer is important in achieving successful education outcomes for each student.


As part of this communication process there are responsibilities for both our school and families.


  1. Communication: Our school is required to inform parents/carers of all matters related to school policy and organisation. The School Association provides the forum for parents/carers to have input and to approve policy changes. Some of this information is contained in this Parent Handbook, and also in our Newsletter and our website, along with notices issued from our school, as appropriate.
  2. Parent/Carers: are required to inform our school of the duration and cause of any student absence or lateness. The Administration Office is available from 8:00 am – 4:00 pm for assistance and messages can also be left on the School’s Phone Answering Service.  Parents/carers are also required to inform our school of any medical condition or medication which may affect the student’s safety, behaviour or performance.  If a student needs regular medication, a medical form (available from the Admin Office) must be completed.
  3. Schoolzine: There are a number of modes of effective communication, MGM text messaging and Schoolzine is our main online communication tool and includes our newsletter, school calendar and our APP, SZapp. Schoolzine provides a range of handy communication tools that you can use and it will make our communication very easy and accessible for you.
  4. Instructions on how to install SZapp are included on Page 14 and we encourage all parents/carers to connect with this. Any urgent notices, reminders and updates of information will generally be sent out through MGM text messaging and / or SZapp.
  5. Our school website provides an introduction to our school for those wanting general information Through the website you are able to connect to our Facebook page and Schoolzine.
  6. Facebook: this is up to date and regular news and information that focuses on celebration, school activities and events along with urgent sharing of information. Instagram is also used regularly for regular news and daily Bulletin items. 
  7. Newsletter: this is our main celebration and communication of student/school achievements, events and news. Our regular features include Subject in Focus and Sport in Focus (winter).  This is published every second Friday through Schoolzine. Please note that Rippers have a separate tab and are published weekly. 
  8. Public Calendar (Schoolzine): This is updated daily with excursions, school events, assemblies and celebrations.
  9. School Diaries: Grade 10 students will be issued with a school diary whilst Grade 7, 8 & 9 students are encouraged to use their iPad devices for calendar dates and planning. It is suggested that parents/carers peruse the diary / iPad diary as it contains information that will be interesting/useful for parents/carers as well as students.
  10. Home Group: Every student is a member of a grade-based home group. The teacher in charge of that group, the Home Group Teacher, is the parents/carers first point of contact with our school and can be contacted through our Admin Office or via email or a note in the Planner.
  11. Other members of staff: Admin Team, Subject Teachers, Grade Leaders, ASTs on the Grade, School Nurse, School Chaplain, School Psychologist, Social Worker, Assistant Principals, or the Principal may be contacted by phone, letter or email depending on the nature of the concern or the information required.
    Please note that between 8:45am and 3:10pm the teaching staff are involved with the learning program. Appointments may be made by contacting our Admin Team.
  12. Contact by teachers: Where there is a matter of concern, teachers may contact home by phone, email or letter. The purpose of such contact is to inform parent/carers of matters concerning their child’s progress and welfare and to seek parental support in resolving issues and helping the child.
  13. Messages for students: Our school is large and complex and staff are always busy. It is only possible to pass on urgent messages to students.  We ask that appointments and other family arrangements be made before students leave for school.
  14. Annual school magazine: The Panta Rei is available for $25.00 from the Admin Office. The Panta Rei is produced and distributed to students who have paid. This publication provides a special record of significant events and school programs.
  15. Parent/teacher evenings: An informal ‘meet-the-teacher’ session will be held one evening early in the year for parents/carers of Grade Sevens and more formal sessions will be scheduled following the issuing of reports in Term 1 and Mid-Year; however, please do not hesitate to contact teachers when you have a query. There is no need to wait for the formal parent/teacher evenings.
  16. Parent information evenings: These are held at various times throughout the year and focus on issues such as Grade Seven transition, option choices and policy reviews.
  17. Report on student progress: Our school has a comprehensive reporting program. Reports are issued three times each year.   The Term 1 report, issued around Easter, gives a general indication of the student’s start to the academic year, while the Mid-Year reports provide a more detailed assessment. The Parent/Teacher interviews follow Term 1 and Mid-Year reports.  The Term 4 report provides a summary of achievement for the year.  Actual dates for the issuing of reports will be published in our school
  18. First Aid: We have several staff who are qualified to provide First Aid support to our students and staff.  If a student is feeling unwell or injured, the correct procedure is for them to get a signed pass from their teacher to go to the Admin office and ask for First Aid assistance.  The First Aid officer will then determine if the student is well enough to stay at school or go home.  The First Aid officer will then contact parents/carers if the student needs to go home.  Could parents/carers please discourage their child from messaging or calling home during class time instead of going to First Aid.

An infographic on how to install the Schoolzine app on your device


Our values represent the foundation of our department’s culture and must guide us in all that we do. They have been decided by us, and we are all responsible for embedding them in our ways of working.

In 2023, DECYP staff, children and young people were asked ‘who do we need to be’ to ensure our children and young people have bright lives and positive futures, and what are the values that we need to be guided by. More than 5,700 responses came through, and directly informed the development of our DECYP Values.



· building positive relationships and a sense of belonging.



· accepting challenges and embracing opportunities.



· aspiring to learn, and improving, even when it’s hard.



·caring for ourselves, each other, and our environment.



· stepping up and doing what’s right.


Our school values guide the decisions and behaviour we believe are essential to successful learning and achieving personal excellence. 


Riverside High School is a restorative community.   Our priority is to address issues, resolve problems and restore relationships.   We work together to help students build skills which enable them to enjoy positive relationships with fellow students and adults in our school community.   Sometimes things go wrong and when they do we do our best to solve the problem and fix the relationship by asking the following questions:

Person responsible for harm

What is happening?

What are you thinking about?

Who is being affected by your actions?

How do you think they are being affected?

What do you need to put things right?

How are we going to stop this from happening again?

Person Affected

What did you think when you realized what had happened?

What impact has this incident had on you and others?

What has been the hardest thing for you?

What do you think needs to happen to make things right?


Respectful Schools is a school-wide approach to developing and maintaining a supportive school community. This includes our approach to behavior management that focuses on building a safe and positive environment in which all students can learn.


At Riverside High School the community supports, acknowledges and celebrates positive student behaviour and achievement in a number of ways.

Classroom Teachers

  • displaying students’ work
  • publishing students’ work eg in newsletters
  • notes to parents in the School Planner
  • personal praise
  • positive cards

Home Group Teachers

  • phone call / email home
  • opportunities to demonstrate responsibility/abilities

Grade Leaders

  • recognition in assemblies eg merit/academic awards
  • personal praise
  • personal contact with parents/carers
  • acknowledging the upholding of our School Values through the Riverside Rippers onto Schoolzine

Principal/Assistant Principal

  • recognition – letters, certificates, assemblies/newsletter
  • personal contact with parents
  • personal praise


Riverside High School’s Respectful Schools approach is based on the expectation that everyone in our school community will uphold our School Values of Courage, Aspiration, Respect & Endeavour and behave in a manner that ensures positive learning outcomes for all individuals.

In order to prevent inappropriate behaviour the following specific strategies are encouraged:

Classroom Teachers

  • provide support and opportunities to enhance all students’ emotional and social learning
  • negotiate class expectations
  • get to know students as individuals and their strengths/weaknesses
  • provide varied and interesting learning opportunities
  • develop individual plans for specific students
  • provide regular feedback to students with respect to their progress

Home Group Teacher/Grade Leader/AST

  • take care with grouping students
  • offer specific courses/activities eg alternative programs for students or professional learning for staff
  • initiate daily reports
  • case conferencing

Principal/Assistant Principal/Support Staff

  • provide appropriate support / professional learning for staff in Respectful Schools including behaviour management
  • restate expectations and raise issues through staff meetings, assemblies, newsletter and School Association
  • develop Individual Educational Plans


Some inappropriate behaviours are relatively minor but repetition may result in responses of increasing severity. Other behaviours are totally unacceptable and may warrant immediate response at a high level.


We expect all students to:

  • give their very best at all times
  • do as they are asked by staff
  • always use respectful language
  • wear their full school uniform at all times - (please see the information on uniform included in this (Parent Information Handbook)
  • arrive at school and in class on time
  • follow their timetable
  • remain in class during lessons unless given permission to leave by their teacher
  • have their Planner signed by their teacher before they leave the classroom and carry it with them while they are away from their class
  • bring the necessary equipment to class, including pens, books etc
  • work neatly in their books – no graffiti
  • complete set work including homework by the due date
  • meet the expectations outlined in our Dress Code (see page 46)

Did you know?

An Association is made up of the parents, staff and community members of a school. An Association exists for each Tasmanian Government School, including primary schools, high schools, district schools and colleges.

The purpose of an Association is to provide members with a way to participate and be involved in supporting the school.

The Association for each school has been established under the Education Act 2016 (Tas).

Why is the Association important?

The Association works with the Principal to achieve shared outcomes for learners and the whole school.

Membership of the Association provides a forum for the sharing of knowledge and skills.

Parent and community engagement in the school is important, as it:

  • creates a collaborative culture within the school
  • uses existing community strengths to benefit all learners
  • creates collaborative teamwork between staff, parents and the community
  • role models good citizenship to learners
  • inspires and helps learners to succeed
  • helps create better understanding between the local community and school
  • facilitates a good understanding of the value and benefits of education
  • provides adult learning opportunities
  • supports opportunities for creative thinking
  • creates community support.

Research shows that children do better at school when their parents are involved and engaged in their education.

What are the main functions of the Association?

Associations participate in:

  • development of school policies, school improvement plans and the formulation of school objectives, priorities, strategic directions and values
  • planning the financial arrangements to support these objectives
  • evaluating the school’s performance to achieve those objectives, priorities, strategic directions and values
  • the selection process of a Principal, where a permanent vacancy exists
  • fostering the value and benefits of education
  • encouraging co-operation among teachers, students, parents and the school community
  • raising funds to benefit the school.

Who are members of the Association?

The following people are automatically members of the School Association:

  • all parents (parents or guardians who have children or young people enrolled at the school)
  • all staff (permanent and fixed-term employees at the school); including the Principal. Community members need to apply to the School Association Committee to become a member of the School Association.

How can I be involved in the Association?

As a member of the Association you can:

  • attend General Meetings of the Association
  • nominate for the Association Committee
  • where they exist, you can join a Subcommittee of the Association Committee
  • support Association events or fundraising

How can I get more information?

If you would like further information about Associations, you can contact:

Your school or college, including:

  • any current member of your School Association Committee
  • the Principal or staff at your school

Tasmanian Association of State School Organisations (TASSO):

The Department of Education:





If you have a matter that you would like discussed at School Association meeting, please contact either the School Association Chair, the Secretary or the Principal to ensure that there is sufficient notice for the item and that it can be placed on the agenda.

The School Association generally meets twice per term on Mondays at 6.30 pm. Please refer to the school calendar to confirm meeting dates.


Currently our school offers a curriculum based on both the traditional subject disciplines within the Australian Curriculum and some school based option courses. 


Grade 7 students follow a common course.  The aim of the course is to introduce students to the wide range of subjects available.  Grade 7s will also have a lesson of Grade Time when they will participate with Pastoral Care programs in addition to Australian Curriculum required courses including My Education.



Full Year





Including: History, Geography & Civics

Health & PE

Grade Time


Half Year




Half Year





Grade 8 students follow a similar pattern, but there is an element of choice built in, and some subjects are no longer compulsory.






Including:  History, Geography & Civics

Health & PE

Grade Time




full year options



2 half year options

Line 1


Terms 1 & 2

Line 2


Terms 3 & 4



Arts:  Drama

Arts:  Dance

Arts:  Music

Arts:  Music

Arts:  Visual Arts

Arts:  Visual Arts

Creative Writing

Business Computing

Design Tech:  Adventures in Science and Technology

Design Tech:  Café Style Foods

Design Tech:  Applied Design

Design Tech:  Design for Adventure

Design Tech:  Design Graphics and 3D Modelling

Design Tech:  Adventures in Science and Technology

Design Tech:  Foods

Design Tech:  Engineering Solutions

Digital Tech:  Computing

Design Tech:  Metalwork

Languages:  French

Design Tech:  Woodwork

Science: STEM including F1 in Schools

English: At the Movies


HPE:  Active Girls

HPE:  Adventure Experiences


HPE:  Games & Sport


Maths: Maths Extension


Science:  STEM



In Grades 9 and 10 students continue with basic subjects and each year choose two additional full-year courses and two half-year courses, as well as two Wednesday afternoon courses.





Health & PE



Grade Time

SOSE–History, Geography

Team Time


FULL YEAR – 2 full year options

TUES PM – 2 short courses

WED PM – 2 short courses


2 short courses



Line 1

Terms 1 & 2

Terms 1 & 4

Terms 1 & 4



Line 2

Terms 3 & 4

Terms 2 & 3

Terms 2 & 3


Grades 9 and 10


Full Year  (100 hours)

(Choose 2)

Half Year (50 hours)

(Choose 2)

Wed afternoon (25

hours (Choose 2)

General Courses:

Arts:  Dance

Arts:  Drama

Arts:  Music

Arts:  Visual Arts

Design Tech:  Auto Tech & Small Engines

Design Tech:  Computer Graphics & 3D Modelling

Design Tech:  Fashion Design

Design Tech:  Foods

Design Tech:  Foods – Catering & Enterprise

Design Tech:  Metal

Design Tech:  Wood

Digital Tech:  Computing

English:  Creative Writing

HPE:  Athlete Development

HPE:  Sport Science (Grade 9)

HPE:  Sport Science (Grade 10)

Languages:  French

Maths:  Maths Extended (Gr 9)

Maths:  Maths Methods Prep  (Gr 10)

Arts:  Audio Design

Arts:  Media

Arts:  Music Performance (Terms 1 & 2)

Arts:  SK8 Paint

Arts:  Visual Arts

Design Tech:  Foods

Design Tech:  Housing Design

Design Tech:  Metal

Design Tech:  Wood

Digital Tech:  Making Computer Games

English:  Journalism

HPE:  Child Development

HPE:  Fitness Applied

HPE:  First Aid

HPE:  Strength & Conditioning

Peer Mentors (required if selected Terms 1&2)

Prefects (required if selected Terms 1&2)

Science:  Environmental Science

Science: Forensic Science

Sociology & Psychology

Arts: Digital Art & Graphic Design

Arts:  Drawing

Arts:  Media – Short Film Making

Arts:  Music

Design Tech: Café Culture

Design Tech:  Pattern Fashion

Digital Tech:  Making Computer Games

HPE:  Healthy Living (Girls)

HPE:  Sport & Recreation

Terms 1 & 4 only Courses:

Arts:  Theatre Performance & Production

English:  College Pathway

HPE:  Boys Football Program

HPE:  Girls Football Program

Science:  STEM 1


Terms 2 & 3 Only Courses:


English:  Talking Books

Winter Sport:  Australian Rules Football (Boys)

Winter Sport:  Hockey (Combined)

Winter Sport:  Netball (Girls)

Winters Sport:  Soccer Outdoor (Combined)

Science:  STEM 2


Health & Physical Education links theory tasks and physical activities to contribute to the health and wellbeing of each student.  Our aim is for students to develop the skills, knowledge and understanding which will enable them to become confident and competent lifelong participants in the areas of physical activity, sport and/or recreation.  We take a holistic approach to students’ wellbeing and foster their development as safe and active citizens.  Students are supported to acquire resilience, confidence and empathy and to challenge existing assumptions and stereotypes.  An emphasis is placed upon providing a safe and supportive learning environment in which all students are encouraged to accept challenges and step outside their comfort zone in order to achieve personal fulfilment and success.


All students are expected to bring the following items to each Health & Physical Education lesson:

  • Change of clothing, tracksuit pants, shorts, socks, t-shirt (we encourage the wearing of our school t-shirt), jumper or school rugby top - Navy shorts and track pants are available for purchase from our Uniform Shop
  • Medication if necessary, such as asthma puffers and epi pens.
  • Running shoes - non-marking if possible
  • Health & Physical Education exercise book and writing material to all Health & Physical Education lessons
  • Suitable hat and drink bottle - RHS navy bucket hats available for purchase from our Uniform Shop
  • And most importantly a positive attitude


If students are injured or ill then a note needs to be written in their Student Planner to explain the reason.  Students should still be encouraged to bring along a change of gear as alternative programs can be tailored to meet individual needs.


As our school participates in the NHSSA rosters, students have the choice to play in a sport, if available.  Students have more options during Grade 9 and 10, however during Grade 7 and 8 sports available are:  Basketball, Netball and Cricket.  Sport options for Grades 9 and 10 include:  Football, Soccer, Hockey, Netball, Basketball and Cricket.


Riverside High School has a strong tradition when participating in inter-house carnivals.  Students represent one of the four houses, Kingsford-Smith, Monash, Forrest and Lawson.  Our aquatics, cross country and athletics carnivals have healthy competitive spirit and students always represent their house displaying a positive attitude, team spirit and trying their best.  Students who display excellence in our carnivals are then given the opportunity to represent our school in the NHSSA Inter-High Carnivals.

Grade 8

Students will have the option of participating in a NHSSA Winter sport program - details to be sent home with students. 

Grade 9 & 10

Wednesday afternoon NHSSA Sport is offered to students in Grade 9 and 10 during Winter - details to be sent home with students.


Homework is an integral part of the learning program of Riverside High School because it:

  • assists the development of student’s independence as learners
  • enables the students to develop personal management skills, efficient study habits, organisational and time-management skills
  • provides extra time for students to consolidate and extend their learning
  • develops self-discipline
  • enables parents/carers to support learning
  • serves as preparation for education and life after Grade 10

Examples of homework activities include:

  • Assignments including research, note-taking and summarising
  • Set practice (e.g. in Mathematics)
  • Revision
  • Reading, including newspapers, novels, non-fiction material
  • Reading to sibling or grandparent etc
  • Watching films or television programs which extend classroom learning, eg news, current affairs, documentaries, certain feature films
  • Family discussions on social issues etc
  • Carrying out tasks related to daily living and home maintenance
  • Activities with parental guidance which foster independence and develop self-confidence
  • Physical activities eg swimming, bushwalking
  • Making telephone calls to obtain information or to organise family activities
  • Writing letters, emails or blogs to friends or family members


    • Homework of less than fifteen minutes duration may be set for any subject on any night, preferably allowing two nights for completion
    • Homework of greater than fifteen minutes duration may be set for any subject on any night, but students will be given an extended period for completion
    • The total amount of homework set for any subject in a week should not exceed ninety minutes
    • Students should be encouraged to read as widely as possible at times when homework has been completed
    • Overall, students should aim to balance family, sporting, cultural, working and academic commitments.




    to establish and communicate Homework Policy to parents



    teachers in charge of subjects to oversee major assignments, publish general guidelines and review subject policy



    Home Group teachers and Grade Leaders to oversee demands on students by checking and signing Planners



    to record all homework in Planner



    to complete all homework on time



    to seek extra assistance with work if necessary



    to request an extension if difficult circumstances arise, eg illness, family commitments



    to ensure that the homework requirements for their classes are reasonable, and clearly communicated to parents and students



    to assist students with the development of time management and study skills



    to maintain a consistent approach towards the need for homework deadlines, while allowing some flexibility based on individual student needs (see below)



    to assess and return homework assignments within a reasonable  timespan



    to familiarise themselves with school policy and subject requirements



    to help their child organise time



    to support their child in doing homework and encourage them to seek help



    when necessary



    to help their child determine which activities should be done


      • All homework should be recorded in the student’s planner / diary or in their electronic diary on their iPad
      • Parent/carers are asked to assist and support this policy by signing the planner weekly
      • Notes between home and school regarding difficulties, requests for extensions etc should be entered in the planner and brought to the attention of the appropriate teacher


        • Homework not written in planner - please contact the class teacher
        • Too much or too little - please contact class teacher, subject teacher or teacher in charge of the subject
        • General Concerns - please contact either the Grade Leader, Senior Teacher or Assistant Principal associated with the Grade


        HOMEWORK NOT COMPLETED (by the due date)

          • Staff concerns about ongoing minor homework issues or major assessable assignments will be communicated to parents by telephone, email or letter
          • If a student is unable to submit work on time and has a legitimate reason, a reasonable extension period for major assignments will be negotiated between teacher, student and parent/carer, provided a parental request has been received before the day the work is due
          • If work is not passed in by the due date, teachers will be instructed to assess the work but the maximum rating given may be ‘satisfactory’. Students will be given an indication of the rating they would have received had the work been passed in on time. Students may also be marked down for organisational skills
          • Detentions may be imposed for consistent refusal to complete reasonable homework tasks


            • Away from the television and other distractions
            • A well-lit and ventilated environment
            • Good seating at a table or desk


            Did you know?

            Schools can offer optional programs that allow your child to bring their own technology devices, such as a laptop, tablet, smartphone or other device, from home to school. This increases their access to devices that assist learning both in and out of the classroom.

            Where to start

            • Whether your child’s school participates in a Bring Your Own Technology (BYOT) program is optional.
            • Any program is developed in close consultation with the school community to suit the school.
            • One of the key advantages of BYOT is that your child uses the same device for learning at school and at home.
            • There is also more opportunity for your child to use technology responsibly, preparing them for a future where technology is a natural part of their everyday lives.
            • BYOT doesn’t replace schools providing information technology (IT) access for your child at school.

            For your child

            • It is not compulsory for your child to bring your own device to school. Grade 7, 8 & 9 students will be issued with a one-on-one iPad device in 2023.
            • If your child does bring a device to school they can only use it during class time for educational purposes and with the permission of their teacher.
            • Like any equipment your child brings to school, they will need to be responsible for and look after any device they bring to school.
            • Your child will need to agree to and follow guidelines on acceptable use of the device.
            • Your child must respect others when they talk to and work with them online and never write or participate in online bullying.
            • If your child uses the school’s Wi-Fi network all internet traffic will go through web filtering software which filters inappropriate content.

            For you

            • BYOT schools will continue to have a mix of school-provided and student-owned devices, and will ensure that there is appropriate access to IT for everyone.
            • Schools can provide guidance to parents but there are no mandatory or preferred devices.
            • No BYOT program will result in the cost of purchasing student-owned devices or software being included in general student levies.
            • No student will be left behind in their access to technology.
            • A number of schools have already successfully put in place a BYOT program that is benefiting their students.

            Cameras on mobile devices

            If your child uses their mobile device as a camera they must:

            • Seek permission from individuals involved before taking photos, recording sound or videoing them (including teachers and other school staff).
            • Only take photos and record sound or video when it is part of a class or lesson.
            • Seek written permission from individuals involved before publishing or sending photos, recorded sound or video to anyone else or to any online space.
            • Seek teacher permission before uploading any content to websites (e.g. blogs).

            Where can I get more information?

            Talk to your child’s teacher or principal and your School Association.

            Visit the Department of Education website:

            In an effort to increase access to 21st Century Learning, Riverside High School allows personal Bring Your Own Technology (BYOT) on our guest network and school grounds for students who follow the responsibilities stated in the Acceptable Use Policy and the guidelines regarding BYOT. We strive to provide appropriate and adequate technology to support instructional purposes. The use of personal devices by students is preferred and students will increasingly find that using their own device will lead to better learning outcomes. Students must understand that acceptable use of technology during class is advantageous for learning. We also provide explicit teaching and learning for students to become responsible digital global citizens, this will include a focus on cyber-safety. During break times students will need to store learning devices including smart phones in lockers as break times are a break from technology. Checking messages can be done at lockers at the start of breaks.

            Further information about our BYOT policy is shared with students through assemblies, our newsletter and the School APP.  The Grade 6 Parent Information Evening provides an opportunity for us to discuss the BYOT policy with new parents. This will include some guidelines to support device purchase.

            All students and parents are required to sign our ICT User Agreement, in line with Department of Education policy. This agreement outlines both expectations and responsibilities with regards to both school devices in addition to BYOT, including mobile phones. Please be aware that security for all BYOT are the responsibility of the student; our school accepts no responsibility for lost, damaged or stolen devices, before, during or after school or at a school event/activity.


            At Riverside High School, we recognise that it is important for our students to be prepared with the knowledge, skills and confidence to navigate the online world safely. Riverside High School is currently working towards gaining full eSmart accreditation. The eSmart program is an initiative run by the Alannah & Madeline Foundation, designed to help improve Cyber Safety and reducing cyber bullying in schools and homes. 

            Below are a list of resources from government websites that we encourage parents to view. These resources contain a wide range of information, available suggestions, and tips for ensuring a safe, secure and respectful online environment at school and within the home.


            Click on the following links to view the websites:

            Click here for the Esafety website

            Click here for the ACMA cybersmart youtube video

            Click here for the Esafety Cyberbullying Report



            Our Library is the principle resource centre for Riverside High School. Extensive non-fiction, fiction and reference collections have been selected both to support the curriculum and to promote reading enjoyment.  As well, our Library houses collections of DVDs, periodicals, computer databases and teacher-reference materials.

            Our Library uses a fully automated TALIS circulation system.   This allows students to search for resources using on-line catalogues which link to both the Riverside High School Library and the State Library system.

            Computers are available for students who wish to access information using the Internet.  There are also word processing, printing, scanning and editing facilities.


                1. Opening Hours
                  During class time
                2. Loans
                  Students may borrow up to six books for a period of two weeks

                3. Overdues
                  An overdue book list is circulated to Home Group teachers every Wednesday.  Students are unable to borrow while they have overdues.  Parent/carers will be invoiced for books that are damaged when returned or that fail to be returned.


            Riverside High School has several students enrolled who have a severe allergy to nuts, especially peanuts.   If these students come into contact with peanuts, or any food products that contain nuts they will suffer severe anaphylactic shock, during which breathing may cease.   A peanut butter sandwich in the same room would be enough to start this reaction.

            We therefore request, that all students do not bring peanut butter sandwiches or any items that contain nuts to school.   In most cases the labels on foods will indicate the presence of nuts.

            If your children have peanut butter for breakfast, or have eaten cereal with nuts, it would be appreciated if they could thoroughly clean their teeth and wash their hands prior to coming to school.   If you require any further information please do not hesitate to contact us.

            Your co-operation is greatly appreciated.